
Brussels is full of associations aimed at helping newcomers in Belgium.

It would be impossible to list all of them on this page. The aim here is not to provide an exhaustive list, but rather to present a basic directory of associations and organisations that can help you get your bearings and integrate into your new life in Belgium.

French lessons

Would you like to take French lessons?

Do you already speak some French and want to practice it by meeting new people?


    creates meeting places for newcomers and Brussels residents through a variety of activities, including conversation sessions to practice French informally while meeting new people.

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Are you looking for a doctor?

The website will help you find a doctor based on the criteria of your choice: address, languages spoken, etc. You can also request a search for a General Practitioner (GP/doctor) by telephone on: 1710.

You can also register with a medical centre, where you can find a range of basic medical services: doctor, nurse, physiotherapist, gynaecologist, etc. Anyone with valid health insurance can register. To find your nearest medical centre, go to:

  • ONE

    offers free consultations for children aged 0 to 6 years. They aim to ensure that children grow healthily. You can find the contact details for ONE consultations at

  • Family planning

    Family planning centres provide confidential advice and care for people about sexuality, pregnancy, family life and emotional issues. To find a family planning centre near you:

  • Medimmigrant

    provides information on the health care available to people who are in Belgium illegally or whose immigration status is uncertain.

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Benefits/welfare and legal aid

Are you looking for information on the rights of foreigners and residence permits?


    offers social and legal advice for any questions relating to people’s residence in the country.

    Rue du Boulet, 26 1000 Bruxelles  - Open every day from 8.30 to 11.30 am

  • ADDE

    can answer any questions about residency, family reunification, asylum applications, work, social assistance, international family law and nationality. Rue du Boulet 22,1000 Bruxelles.

  • Caritas international

    is an NGO that offers a humane response to the migration journey taken by each individual person and defends the rights of migrants and refugees. It can also help with seeking sustainable solutions, paying particular attention to the most vulnerable in society. Rue de la Charité 43, 1210 Bruxelles.
    +32 2 229 36 11

Are you looking for information on social rights (housing - employment - social security)?

  • L’atelier des droits sociaux

    is a frontline legal service. This association offers advice, assistance and guidance on tenancy law, labour law (employed and self-employed), social security (unemployment, family allowances, pensions, healthcare, incapacity for work, allowances for disabled people, etc.) and social assistance (CPAS, GRAPA). It offers free services, open to all. Rue de la Porte Rouge, 4 - 1000 Bruxelles.

    Telephone hotlines:  Monday from 1pm to 4pm, Thursday from 9am to 12pm - 1pm to 4pm and Friday from 9am to 12pm.
    02/512 71 57

Do you need a lawyer?

  • Bureau d’aide juridique

    is part of the French Bar Association of Brussels. It promotes access to justice by allowing certain categories of people to benefit from the free assistance of a lawyer in all legal matters.
Services include: legal advice, assistance and representation in judicial or administrative proceedings or in mediation, lodging of appeals, etc.

    Bureau d'aide juridique de Bruxelles 

    Rue de la Régence 63, 1000 Bruxelles

Are you a victim of discrimination ?

  • Centre interfédéral pour l’égalité des chances

    is an independent public service for combating discrimination and promoting equal opportunities. If you have any questions or wish to report discrimination, you can contact them free of charge on 0800 12 800 or come to the Thursday morning office (9am to 12.30pm). Rue Royale 138, 1000 Bruxelles.

  • MRAX : Mouvement de lutte contre le racisme, l’antisémitisme et la xénophobie

    covers discrimination based on nationality, race, skin colour, national or ethnic origin, language and philosophical or religious beliefs. It has a legal department (Tel: 0477 88 40 52) and a social service (Tel: 0477 88 40 53). Rue de la Poste 37, 1210 Bruxelles.

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In Belgium, education is compulsory for all children between the ages of 5 and 18.
To find a school, you can contact your local education department.
You can also contact the registration helpdesk on 0800 188 55 (free of charge) or via the email address

If you are looking for information on homework clubs, sports, creative and cultural activities, extracurricular and holiday activities for children and young people in Brussels, you can contact your local “Extracurricular” or ATL (Accueil Temps Libre) service or visit the Bruxelles Temps Libre website (

  • Infor Jeunes Bruxelles

    is a non-profit organisation whose aim is to provide information, help and advice to all young people. This applies to all areas of relevance to young people, such as education, training, work, housing, family, health, social assistance, justice, leisure and holiday activities, etc. Permanent offices have been set up in the various different areas of Brussels. They are free and anonymous, with no appointment necessary. To find an office near you, go to:
    02 514 41 11

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Jobs and training

Are you looking for a job or training?

There are several organisations that can help you with your job search and who can provide details of available training.

  • Actiris

    is the public body that deals with employment in Brussels. If you are a job seeker, you should register with Actiris.

  • Bruxelles Formation Carrefour

    provides information and advice on training and jobs. The website provides access to a database managed by Bruxelles-Formation. This database lists the adult education courses available in the Brussels region.

  • Cité des métiers de Bruxelles

    is the centre for information and advice on lifelong career guidance. It offers a multimedia area that can be visited any day of the week, with no appointment necessary, and individual meetings can be set up with an advisor by appointment. Av. de l'Astronomie 14, 1210 Bruxelles.

  • CIRÉ

    provides information and support if you wish to obtain an equivalent recognition of your qualifications or if you need advice on training and studies. Rue du Vivier 80-82, 1050 Bruxelles.


    is an information service for self-employed people in the Brussels-Capital Region. This service can provide information about the administrative and legal conditions of self-employment and refer you to guidance and support organisations. Chaussée de Charleroi 110, 1060 Bruxelles.

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  • Asbl Objectifs

    can answer your questions about obtaining Belgian nationality and help you check your case before submitting your application to the local authorities. Consultations are by appointment only. To make an appointment:
    02 512 67 27

  • Démocratie plus

    helps with the submission, management and follow-up of applications for naturalisation. Open every day from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm. Rue des deux églises 111, 1210 Bruxelles.

    02/350 45 80

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